Everyday Favorites


Pick any book on career development and you will learn that mentorship is crucial to a successful career, particularly for women. As a fresh graduate though, it can be a challenge to ascertain how to find a mentor and what qualities to look for in one. In this post, I would like address the first…

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Reflections: International Women’s Day 2019

A day too late, but happy International Women’s Day! I had the pleasure to attend the International Women’s Day event hosted by the Ladies Club Amsterdam last night. It was an inspiring evening with a small, but impressive group of women who came together to share their stories of success, strength, vulnerability, and sometimes failure. In…

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What I Wore | A Dry Shampoo Kind of Day

More than any day this winter, today I felt grateful for a capsule wardrobe. I woke up late, and since I’d forgotten to prepare my breakfast last night, there was that situation to deal with. I ate an apple with peanut butter and chugged a cup of coffee, so I could get dressed only to…

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