Everyday Favorites

Ted Baker Wool Coat: Updated Review after four years

I bought the popular Ted Baker Wool Coat (US, UK, NL) four years ago. At the time, my fashion budget used to be tight as I was paying student loans and saving for a home. Retrospectively though, I’m glad that I budgeted to spend a little more on this coat instead of something cheaper that…

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My Summer 2021 Capsule | wfh, city life and office

I have been a (mild) capsule wardrobe enthusiast since 2018. I say mild because I do not dedicate much time and energy to organizing my capsules in an aesthetically pleasing way for my socials. Nor do I obsesses over the exact number of pieces or styles I need to have season after season. Capsule wardrobes,…

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I didn’t realize that creating a full overview of my capsule wardrobe will turn into a full-time job next to the one I already have. But two weeks of work on taking pictures and editing them, I’m sharing my full fall 2020 capsule wardrobe in this post. If you’ve not already, give my last blog…

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Most worn 2020 spring / summer capsule

This summer has been like none other, and I’m pretty darn sure you’d not say otherwise. A global pandemic brought life and economy to a halt. Among other struggles, we’ve feared for our health and the health of our dear ones. Many of us have been wound up by the terrifying news of layoffs at…

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Monday to Friday Workwear

Happy Friday, everyone! I am so happy to reach the finish line for work this week. While it has not been particularly busy, I have worked on some intense deliverables that were outside my technical comfort zone, which is rewarding intellectually and professionally but otherwise tiring. I also went overboard with my run yesterday, which…

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